CPD Certificate in Community-Based Mentoring

It is recognised that one-to-one community-based mentoring already exists informally within communities. Individual community members often provide a positive influence and critical support to prospective and progressing students in their communities. The aim of the accredited CPD Certificate in Community-Based Mentoring is to offer formal recognition to mentors, building their capacity and equipping them with the skills, theory and knowledge to be an effective mentor in their community. A joint initiative between UCC and MTU Cork Campus, the programme was co-created with instrumental community partners – Cork Learning City Learning Neighbourhoods and Cork Migrant Centre. The 10-credit programme is centred on shared learning and reflective practice. Access staff from both colleges delivered information sessions on Access programmes, pathways, financial and disability supports. Cork Further Education & Training delivered a session on access to FE.

The SOAR Project was awarded the Cork Celebrates Lifelong Learning Higher Education Award in December 2022. The award recognised the collaboration of HEIs with Cork City Learning Neighbourhoods, Cork Migrant Centre and the innovative approach taken to support lifelong learning by resourcing the community and strengthening HEI-Community links.

An evalution of  the pilot programme was conducted in 2021/22, the report can be accessed in Evaluation& Publications page.